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Outcomes from Board Advocacy/Support
Related to Priorities from Previous Campaign

I served as the President of the Board during Academic Year (AY) 2022-2023 and I was the Clerk of the board the AY prior to that. The Board has been a cohesive team during the past four years of my tenure and we have worked together to ensure all students have access to good quality education. The outcomes below are specific to the priorities I mentioned during my first campaign. If re-elected, I will work to build upon this new foundation so that each board goal is successfully met.


Physical & Mental

Student Achievement

College/ Career Readiness

  • Provided resources for distance learning during pandemic (e.g., all children received updated laptops)

  • Return to school as soon CA allowed (with safety measures in place such as new vent systems)

  • Hired a consultant to review district's safety protocols and provide recommendations

  • Prioritized the use of Measure X funding to construct perimeter fencing and new entry protocols so that all our schools can be safer

  • Hired more counselors for students (added 7!) 

  • Hired the first social worker ever employed by a district in Ventura County (now we have 3!)

  • Stronger focus on addressing bullying (so far, the "We tip" hotline has been updated/streamlined and better advertised and a committee has been established at a high school to address campus culture)

  • Implemented the "Professional Learning Community" model district-wide so that schools can use data-driven decision making and teachers can teach each other best practices

  • Even more data (and different types of data) are shared with the community

  • (Check back soon on this this website for graphs/charts)

  • Stronger focus on Career & Technical Education (CTE); so far, one District-level Coordinator position has been restructured so that 50% of their responsibility is now on CTE programs

  • Changes have been made toward increasing the number of students fulfilling a-g requirements needed for college

  • Hired three college/career counselors

Other Work as a Trustee


In addition to the work described above, I also served on the School Board's Finance Committee each of the past four years. It has been a privilege to work with the amazing team that is our Business & Facilities department, to make sure that we are good stewards of public funds.


I have also represented our district on our city's Homelessness Task Force. Although we may not have a high rate of homeless youth in our schools, they are among the most vulnerable of populations; it was my responsibility to represent them on the taskforce. 


Currently, I am the Vice President of the Ventura County School Board Association, which is an association of boards/districts across the county.

Board Goals

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The following are the four goals that the Board recently established.


Student learning


All students can and will learn. By expanding learning opportunities, students will receive academic support and extension as needed. All students will be prepared for college and career opportunities.


Professional learning


In order to impact student outcomes, all staff members will function and participate in a healthy and highly effective professional learning community. All staff members will grow and learn just as students grow and learn.


Family and community outreach


A positive home-to-school partnership is vital to student success. Our schools will be active and collaborative partners with our parents, guardians, and community to prepare our students to be the next generation of informed citizens. Our District will serve as an effective steward of the public’s funds and resources.


Students, school safety, & engagement


Our schools will provide a safe, welcoming, engaging, and comprehensive environment for all students that fosters learning and nurtures the whole child. Differences and diversity will be respected and celebrated. All students will receive support as needed to succeed inside and outside our classrooms.

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